I can't really complain about our piso-maybe it's old, humid but really it's perfect and cute and full of potential. But, it is cold. We dont have central heat. We have blankets and fleece jackets and at least three heaters going at once. We also use Butano-Butane gas to heat our water and cook and sometimes in the middle of the shower the tank runs out...like today shampoo in hair. When I saw these commercials last year they hit home-I guess I'm not alone.
ha...I love the penguin in the bedroom.
Ahh. Cada mañana es lo mismo. Vivo en la era glacial. Ya no aguanto este frío. Me cambio a gas natural.
Ahh. Every morning is the same. I'm living in the ice age. I can't stand the cold. I'm getting natural gas. (sounds totally lame in English!)
Ahhh. EL agua caliente se ha ido. Ya no me puedo aclarar. Y ahora por cuarto duros me cambio a gas natural.
Ahh...there's not hot water left. I can't rise myself off. And now for just a couple of bucks, I'm getting natural gas.
6 hours ago
ahh yes I remember the cold showers! I can't imagine them now.
also if it's cold enough for snow then why is there no heat in Galicia!!
did you have a cold shower here?? sorry! and noe heat because the last time is snowed like this in Santiago was 14 years ago!
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