Thursday, October 9, 2008

you say mercado, I say mercadillo

Today I went with my suegra to a little market in Santiago. It is not the typical European market you're imagining with cute fruit stands, and chickens hanging from every corner, but the mercadillo is a market of clothing and house goods in a huge parking lot, selling scarves, sheets, towels, sweaters, purses, shoes, stockings, etc. for good prices. I made out with 2 pairs of shoes for 5 euros each. Not bad. I've also been keeping busy learning that when you lose a receipt in Spain there is no Target policy that within 3 months they can look up the purchase with your credit card number and give you your money back, and also, when your phone is messed up and makes calls to information on its own, at the end of the month, you are responsible for the delinquent phone calls, booooooo.

In job news, teaching clases particulares is going well, although teaching kids is completely new to me. I have experience teaching adolecents and adults, so half the time I have no idea what I am doing with kids, but at least they haven't noticed or at least they haven't said anything yet. But, today I received another call from another academia in the city looking for an English teacher...I had to turn down the job, making the total 4 academias I have turned down. Seriously, if you are interested in moving to Spain to teach English, consider coming to Santiago de Compostela as it appears there is quite a shortage of English teachers, the cost of living is pretty low compared to Barcelona and Madrid, and it's beautiful. I'll show you the mercadillo when you get here too.

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